The Mixer

Every instrument you load from the library has a corresponding track header in the arranger canvas and a channel strip in the mixer. Launch the mixer panel by either pressing the Mix button on the top right of the screen or by pressing [command]/[ctrl]+[5].

(wide image of multiple tracks in the Mixer here)

11.1 Channel Strip

The following is a detailed description of the features found on a channel strip:

(labeled image to the right of text in original manual, for each of [11.1.-] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 )

11.1.1 Track Title

  • This field displays the name of the instrument associated with the channel strip.
  • By default, it inherits the name of the instrument loaded into the track. Click in the dialog box to enter a custom title for the track.

11.1.2 MIDI From

  • Set which external or internal MIDI device you want to use to trigger the instrument associated with this channel strip by clicking the drop down arrow and selecting the device of your choice.
  • To change which MIDI channel the internal or external device communicates through and which MIDI note value triggers the instrument loaded in the channel strip, click on the Chan and/or Note value(s) and drag your mouse up or down to redefine the values.

11.1.3 MIDI To

  • You can use Liquid Rhythm as a sequencer and send MIDI data to external or internal devices. To do so, click the drop down arrow and select the device of your choice, and set the Chan and Note values to match the corresponding values on your external or internal MIDI device.

Tip: Setting your MIDI To values when you’re unsure about your computer’s MIDI setup can create an abrasive feedback loop that might startle you, and, worse, might damage your speakers. Please take great care when sending MIDI from the tracks in Liquid Rhythm to tracks in other pro audio software!

11.1.4 Audio To

  • Use the Audio To drop-down list to define the output routing for a track.
  • As a VST or AU in multi-output mode, this feature allows you to send the Kick, Snare, and Hi-Hats, for example, to their own exclusive channels in your host DAW.

Tip: This feature enables you to really fine-tune the sound of your beat in plug-in mode.

11.1.5 Instrument Swap

  • Click the Instrument Swap button to swap any sound in the Library for the one you have presently loaded. The track name updates to reflect the new instrument loaded.
  • With Instrument Swap activated, open the Sample Browser to swap WAV and AIF files from your personal Library into a track.

11.1.6 Instrument Selector

  • The Instrument Selector drop down menu contains every instrument in Liquid Rhythm’s resource library. Click the menu and select any instrument to replace the one currently loaded into your track.

11.1.7 Volume Fader, Balance Knob, Solo, Mute, & Record

  • The volume fader, balance knob, solo, mute, and record buttons are autonomous with those found on the instrument’s corresponding track header. For information about them, please see Track Headers.

Tip: Any changes made to the volume, balance, solo, mute and record of a channel strip will instantly reflect in the track header.

11.2 Master Channel Strip

(there’s no intro text blurb but there should be, describe the concept of a master)

(labeled image to the right of text in original manual, for each of [11.2.-] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 )

11.2.1 I/O (Input/Output)

  • Click the I/O button to reveal the audio and MIDI input and output routing options for the tracks in the Mixer.

11.2.2 Master Balance Knob

  • Varies the relative level of the left and right channels in the Master channel. Click on the knob and drag the mouse up and down to change its value.
  • [command]+click the knob to return it to its default value.

11.2.3 Master Volume

  • Adjusts the volume for the Master channel. Note that this affects the volume of the entire mixer.

11.2.4 Master Mute

  • Mutes the Master channel.

11.2.5 Metronome Volume

  • Adjusts the playback volume of the metronome track.