Track Headers

7.1 Track Headers

Each track you create in Liquid Rhythm has a corresponding track header in the arranger canvas and a channel strip in the Mixer panel. You use track headers to adjust the volume and balance of tracks, mute or solo them, or arm them for recording. Track headers also contain valuable information about what kind of drum Instrument is associated with it.

(long image on above right of text in manual of a bunch of track headers)

(labeled image for [7.1.-] 1, 2, 3, 4 on right of grouped text in original manual, what to do here?)

7.1.1 Track Name

  • Displays the name of the instrument currently loaded into the track.
  • To rename the track, click on the track name and type a new name.
  • To manually select a different instrument, click the dropdown menu and choose an instrument from the list.

7.1.2 Instrument Swap Button

  • Click the Instrument Swap Button to swap any sound in the Library for the one you have presently loaded. The track name updates to reflect the new instrument loaded. How to use it:
  • First, open the Library by pressing [command]/[ctrl]+[1]
  • Activate Swap Mode for the track whose Instrument you want to swap.
  • Single-click any instrument in the Library and it will swap into the track.
  • Note that activating Swap Mode on a track causes the Library to filter instruments specific to that track.
  • Swapping is a great way to audition instruments during playback!

Tip: Another way to quickly swap instruments is to drag-and-drop them from the Library onto the Channel Header.

7.1.3 Color Bar

  • Located at the right of the track header, it denotes what instrument type the instrument is. To pick another color, right-click on the Channel Header and select Change Track Color from the dropdown menu. Select a color using any of the three tabs and click OK to confirm your selection.
  • You can also click the Color Bar to fold the track.

7.1.4 Volume Fader

  • Controls the track’s volume. Click the volume fader and move the mouse left or right to set the volume for your track. Command-click to return the fader to its default value.

(image here for [7.1.-] 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 on top right of original manual page)

7.1.5 Solo

  • Click the button labeled S to isolate the track(s) you want to hear without the rest of the project playing.

7.1.6 Mute

  • Click the button labeled M to mute the track(s) you do not want to hear.

7.1.7 Record

  • Click the button labeled R to write any MIDI input received from the computer or external device to the selected track(s).

Tip: Press and hold [shift] while clicking any Mute or Record button to affect every channel.

7.1.8 MIDI Input Note Number

  • Indicates the MIDI note value associated with the track. Click the value and drag the mouse up or down to map the instrument to another MIDI note.

7.1.9 MIDI Activity Light

  • Click this button to audition the instrument loaded in the track.

7.1.10 Balance Knob

  • Varies the relative level of the left and right channels in the track. Click on the knob and drag the mouse up and down to change its value; command-click to return the knob to its default value.

7.2 Track Header Commands

Right-click a track header (or select multiple track headers using [command]+click or [shift]+click) to reveal a drop-down menu containing the following commands:

(image on right of text in original manual)

7.2.1 Duplicate

  • Makes a duplicate of the selected track(s) but not the region(s) within the track(s).

7.2.2 Duplicate Track and Contents

  • Makes a duplicate of the selected track(s) and the regions within it/them.
  • Key command: [command]/[ctrl]+[D].

7.2.3 Delete

  • Removes the selected track(s)
  • Key command: [delete]

7.2.4 Rename

  • Changes the name of the selected track(s).

7.2.5 Select All Tracks

  • Highlights all the track headers.
  • Key command: [command]/[ctrl]+[A].

7.2.6 Deselect All Tracks

  • Removes highlighting from all the track header(s).
  • Key command: [command]/[ctrl]+[shift]+[A].

7.2.7 Collapse Track

  • Minimizes the selected track header(s).

7.2.8 Collapse All Tracks

  • Minimizes all the track headers.

7.2.9 Change Track Color

  • Changes the color of the Color Bar associated with the selected track header(s).

7.2.10 Sort Tracks By

  • Arranges the tracks by Name, MIDI Note, Instrument type.

7.2.11 Change Instrument Type…

  • Allows changing of the instrument type associated with selected track(s).

Tip: The BeatSeeker uses instrument types to suggest results, so use this option to help organize custom samples from your library!