The Arranger Canvas

Liquid Rhythm’s arranger is a digital canvas; what you create with it is entirely up to you. The grid is designed to help you organize your ideas as you create them: the lines running vertically through the grid represent divisions in time, while the lines running horizontally separate each track. The Playhead (the thin vertical line that moves when you press play) indicates the current frame during playback and zoom processes. The following section will walk you through the elements of the arranger.

6.1 Create a Track

To create an empty track, perform any of the following actions:

  • Right-click anywhere in the arranger grid and select Create Track from the drop-down menu.
  • Click Insert > Create Track
  • Press [command]/[ctrl]+[T]
  • Double-click an Instrument in the library.

6.1.1 Add or Swap Instruments

To add or swap voices into the newly created track, simply drag-and-drop Instruments from the Library onto the Channel Header.

6.2 Arranger Edit Commands

(image on right of text in original manual)

There are a number of useful commands we hope will make your experience editing in the Arranger a great one. They can be found in the Edit menu, but most of them are mapped to keyboard commands as well. They are:

6.2.1 Undo


  • [command]/[ctrl]+[Z]

6.2.2 Redo


  • [command]/[ctrl]+[shift]+[Z]

6.2.3 Cut


  • [command]/[ctrl]+[X]

6.2.4 Copy


  • [command]/[ctrl]+[C]

6.2.5 Paste


  • [command]/[ctrl]+[V]

6.2.6 Duplicate


  • [command]/[ctrl]+[D]

6.2.7 Duplicate Loop


6.2.8 Delete


  • [delete]/[backspace]

6.2.9 Select All


  • [command]/[ctrl]+[A]

6.2.10 Deselect All


  • [command]/[ctrl]+[shift]+[A]

6.2.11 Select All Regions in Column


6.2.12 Select All Regions in Row


  • [command]/[ctrl]+[shift]+[T]

6.2.13 Select All Regions in Loop


  • [command]/[ctrl]+[shift]+[L]

6.2.14 Loop Selected Regions


  • [command]/[ctrl]+[L]

6.2.15 Loop All Regions


6.2.16 Mute Selection


  • [command]/[ctrl]+[shift]+[M]

6.2.17 Loop Playback


6.3 Note Edit Mode

(image on right of text below, in manual)

Use Note Edit Mode to draw MIDI notes (individually or in clusters) directly onto the arranger canvas with your mouse. Enable it by performing any of the following actions:

  • Click the Note Edit Mode button.
  • Press [command]/[ctrl]+[E]
  • Right-click anywhere in the arranger and select Note Edit Mode from the dropdown menu.

There are two distinct tools in Note Edit Mode:

  • Pencil Tool allows in-place editing of single notes. Single-click to insert a note, double-click to delete.
  • Paint Tool lets you input multiple notes simultaneously. Simply click and drag across regions to use it.

6.3.1 Note Edit Grid Snap Mode

(image on right of text again in original manual)

Enable Note Edit Grid Snap Mode to force the notes you enter using Note Edit Mode to quantize to the grid. By default, this feature is on. To toggle it on or off, press the Note Edit Grid Snap Mode button above the track headers.

To set the Note Edit Grid Resolution, select the desired value from the drop-down menu directly to the right of the snap to grid button. Note that you can toggle the Triplet grid.

6.4 BeatForm Edit Mode

(image on right of text again in original manual)

The BeatForm Edit feature lets you draw or paint with BeatForms (or clusters of notes) directly on the Arranger. To activate it, click the BeatForm Edit button.

6.4.1 Drawing in BeatForm Edit Mode

(2 images on right of and right/below text in original manual)

When BeatForm Edit mode is activated, notice that the Note Edit Grid Resolution menu becomes the BeatForm Paint menu.

  • Select any BeatForm from this menu.
  • Click in the Arranger to draw with it.

6.4.2 Painting in BeatForm Edit Mode

(2 images on right of and right/below text in original manual)

You can also click-and-drag across the Arranger to paint with BeatForms. Make sure BeatForm Edit mode is activated, then:

  1. Right-click the Pencil Tool.
  2. Select the Paint Tool from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select a BeatForm from the BeatForm Paint menu.
  4. Click-and-drag across a track in the Arranger to paint with the selected BeatForm.

6.4.3 Editing in BeatForm Edit Mode

(images on right of text, approximately one image for each bullet, in original manual)

While in BeatForm Edit mode, there are a number of commands you can use to edit the BeatForms you draw onto the Arranger.

  • Press-and-hold [shift] and click-and-drag to multiselect BeatForms.
  • Click-and-drag BeatForms to move them around.
  • Right-click on BeatForms to swap them for other ones.
  • Click-and-drag the velocity bars above a BeatForm(s) to adjust it’s velocity.
  • Double-click BeatForms to delete them.

6.5 Zooming In and Out

(image on right of text, spanning multiple subsections, in original manual)

There are a variety of ways to zoom in and out of the arranger canvas:

6.5.1 Zoom to Selection

  • select a region(s) and click View > Zoom to Selection
  • [command]/[ctrl]+[R]

6.5.2 Zoom Out to Maximum

  • click View > Zoom Out to Maximum
  • [shift]+[command]/[ctrl]+[R]

6.5.3 Zoom to Default

  • click View > Zoom to Default
  • [command]/[ctrl]+[B]

6.5.4 Zoom In to Focus

  • select a region(s) and click View > Zoom In to Focus
  • [command]/[ctrl]+[=]

6.5.5 Zoom Out from Focus

  • select a region and click View > Zoom Out from Focus
  • [command]/[ctrl]+[-]

6.5.6 Zooming Manually

Use the following tools to manually adjust the arranger canvas view with simple click-and-drag gestures using your mouse:

  • Overview Scroll and Zoom bar
  • Zoom In to Focus/Zoom Out from Focus
  • Ruler Bar