Project File Controls

5.1 Project File Commands

(Image either above or to the right of the text, displaying the File Menu in LR Standalone)

(Current screenshot is from Mac, maybe we want two to show Windows too?)

5.1.1 New Project

To create a new project, perform one of either command:

  • Click File > New
  • Press [command]/[ctrl]+[N]

5.1.2 Open…

To open an existing project, perform one of either command:

  • Click File > Open…
  • Press [command]/[ctrl]+[O]

…to launch the Open dialog box. Navigate to your project file and either double-click the file or select the file and click Open.

5.1.3 Open Recent

To open a recent project:

  • Hover your mouse over File > Open Recent to view a drop-down menu containing your most recent Liquid Rhythm projects. Click an entry to load it.

5.1.4 Save

To save a new or existing project file:

  • Click File > Save
  • Press [command]/[ctrl]+[S]

If the project file exists, it will be updated. Otherwise, the Save dialog box will be launched, then:

  1. Enter a name for your project.
  2. Specify a location on your hard drive to save it.
  3. Click Save to confirm.

5.1.5 Save As…

To save a new version of an existing project file:

  • Click File > Save As…
  • Press [command]/[ctrl]+[shift]+[S]

…to open the Save dialog box, then:

  1. Enter a name for your project.
  2. Specify a location on your hard drive to save it.
  3. Click Save to confirm.

5.1.6 Consolidated Save

To save a project file with Instrument Editor assets, including external audio samples:

  • Click File > Consolidated Save

5.1.7 Import MIDI File…

To import an existing MIDI file:

  1. Click File > Import MIDI File.
  2. Navigate to the MIDI file you want to import.
  3. Choose a General MIDI Kit to load with the file.
  4. Click Open to import the MIDI file.

Tip: For optimized use with a percussive MIDI performance, ensure that Only General MIDI Percussion Note Numbers and Only Notes in MIDI Percussion Channel (10) are selected.

5.1.8 Export to MIDI File…

To export your project as a MIDI file:

  1. Click File > Export to MIDI File.
  2. Name the MIDI file in the File Name dialog box.
  3. Click Save to export to MIDI.

Tip: All the drum and percussion tracks in your Liquid Rhythm file are automatically mapped using the General MIDI Standard.

5.1.9 Quick MIDI Export

To export current tracks to a MIDI file at the last exported location (overwriting the existing file):

  • Click File > Quick MIDI Export
  • Press [command]/[ctrl]+[shift]+[F]

5.1.10 Export to Audio File

With Liquid Rhythm standalone, you can export your project as a WAV or AIFF audio file. To do so:

  1. Define the Start and End points of your audio file using the Loop Region.
  2. Click File > Export to Audio File to open the Export Audio window.
  3. Enter a name for your audio file in the Save As dialog box.
  4. Select a destination to save your file.
  5. Choose either WAV or AIFF from the File Type drop-down menu.
  6. Choose the bit depth from the Bit Depth drop-down menu.
  7. Select:
    • Master Mix to render every track in your project file to audio.
    • Individual Tracks to select specific tracks from the window to the left
  8. Click Export to start rendering to audio.

5.1.11 Quick Audio Export

To export current tracks to an audio file at the last exported location using the most recent export settings (as detailed above in Export to Audio File) (overwriting the existing file):

  • Click File > Quick Audio Export
  • Press [command]/[ctrl]+[shift]+[B]

5.1.12 Close

To close the current project and start a new project:

  • Click File > Close
  • Press [command]/[ctrl]+[W]