The Library

Liquid Rhythm features a resource library with a wide variety of acoustic and electronic drum, percussion, and pitched percussion samples. Specify which version(s) of the library you want to download in the popup window located at Help > Download Additional Instruments. If, for any reason, your internet connectivity is lost during the library download, Liquid Rhythm will automatically resume the download on application restart.

10.1 Instruments

(image to the right of text in original manual)

The Instruments tab consists of acoustic, electronic, percussive, and pitched Instruments comprised of 1-10 samples, each responding to various velocity ranges—this allows for realistic dynamics and expression when performing or programming a beat. For a dramatic and instant demo of how this sounds, use the Accent Modifiers.

Scroll up or down to navigate through the entire list or use the filter buttons below the tabs to narrow your selection options to a specific instrument grouping.

Alternatively, search for Instruments by typing the desired name into the search field directly below the instrument type buttons.

To load an instrument, simply double-click it.

10.2 Kits

(image to the right of text in original manual)

The Kits panel consists of matching Instruments that can be loaded simultaneously, like a DnB kit or a Rock kit. Every kit included in Liquid Rhythm is premapped to General MIDI, so your hardware controllers will automatically work with our kits.

To load a kit, double-click it.

Tip: Use the kits panel to get started quickly and easily.

10.3 Loops

(image to the right of text in original manual)

The Loops panel consists of kits and drum loops stored in Liquid Rhythm’s library.

Click the buttons below the Library tabs to narrow your selection options by genre. For example, click the R n B button to limit your selections to R n B beats.

Alternatively, use the search field below the genre buttons to type in a genre.

To load a loop, double-click it.

10.4 Samples

(image to the right of text in original manual)

We encourage you to also use your own samples when making beats with our software. That’s why Liquid Rhythm features a Samples tab in its library. After all: DJs, producers, and electronic musicians tend to work pretty hard to curate an exclusive selection of sounds.

Compatible file types include: .mid, .midi, .wav, .wave, .aif, .aiff.

All you need to do to access your samples is:

  1. Click the Samples tab in the Library.
  2. Click the Add Folder button at the bottom of the pane.
  3. Navigate to the folder containing your sample library and click Open.

As with the instruments included in Liquid Rhythm, you’ll be able to audition and load any compatible sample in your personal collection. Simply double-click a sample and a new track will be created containing it.

10.5 Audition Tools

(image to the right of text in original manual)

All the Instruments in Liquid Rhythm’s library can be auditioned before loading them. To do so, click any Instrument.

To control the audition volume for an instrument, kit, or loop, click the audition volume fader and drag your mouse left or right to decrease or increase the volume.

10.4.1 Stop Audition Playback

To stop the playback of a instrument, kit, or loop, click the stop button, indicated by the small square on the bottom right of the library panel.

10.4.2 Auto-Audition Mode

Auto-audition makes it possible for you to hear the instruments, kits, and loops in Liquid Rhythm’s library as you click on them. It is enabled by default. To toggle it on or off, click on the Auto-Audition Mode button indicated by a speaker.

10.4.3 Loop Audition Kit Selection Menu

(image to the right of text in original manual)

Liquid Rhythm’s Loops library has been designed to pair genres with appropriate sounding kits. You can, however, select a kit you prefer to audition various genres of loops with. To do so:

  1. Deselect the Use Default Kit button by clicking on it.
  2. Select the kit you prefer from the Loop Audition Kit Selection Menu.

10.5 Kit Editor

(image to the right of text in original manual)

Use the Kit Editor to create and save your own personalized kits within Liquid Rhythm using the multi-sample instruments included with the software or samples in your personal library.

Tip: Kits can only be created in Standalone mode. When used with Ableton Live, your kits will be built using the Drum Rack and saved in Ableton Live’s Browser.

10.5.1 Create a Kit

To create a kit in standalone mode, follow these steps:

  1. Open Liquid Rhythm and click the Lib button to open the library.
  2. In the Library panel, click on the Kits tab to view your kit library.
  3. Click the Kit Editor button at the bottom of the panel to open the Kit Editor window.
  4. In the Kit Editor window, click the Add Instrument… button to explore all the factory and user instruments and samples in your library. Click any instrument or sample to add it to your new kit.
  5. To save your drum kit, click File > Save Kit As… You can now close the editor and use your kit!
  6. To edit a kit, right-click it and select Edit Kit from the drop-down menu.

10.6 Instrument Editor

(image to the right of text in original manual)

With Liquid Rhythm’s Instrument Editor, you can create your own multi-sample instruments with customized articulations and velocity ranges. Liquid Rhythm recognizes both wav and aiff audio files.

10.6.1 Loading a Sample

There are three ways to load a sample:

  • click the Load Sample Button and select an audio file located on your hard drive.
  • click File > Load Sample Into Instrument or use the [command]/[ctrl]+[L] key command to launch the Open dialog box.
  • drag-and-drop a WAV or AIF file into the Sample Velocity Manager window.

(image to the right of text in original manual)

10.6.2 Loading Multiple Samples Simultaneously

Adding multiple samples simultaneously when creating a instrument is easy. To do so, select up to 127 wav or aiff files and drag them into the Sample Velocity Manager window.

10.6.3 Velocity Map

(image to the right of text in original manual)

The Velocity Map maps MIDI input velocity (x-axis) to playback velocity (y-axis) for each sample.

Sample ranges are distinguished from one another using purple and gray shading.

The Velocity Map is an interactive environment. To draw a velocity curve manually:

  1. Click the left mouse button and drag your mouse.
  2. Press and hold [shift] while dragging to draw a straight line.
  3. Notice that yellow crosshairs follow the mouse pointer to highlight your location on the graph and Map Articulation Point indicators beneath the Instrument Audition display your coordinates for reference, helpful in fine-tuning Articulation Regions.

Reset the Velocity Map

(image to the right of text in original manual)

To reset the Instrument Map, right-click anywhere on the map to open the drop-down menu and click Reset Velocity Map.

10.6.4 Auditioning Samples

(image to the right of text in original manual)

To audition a sample, click the Audition Sample button to the left of the Articulation Region. This plays the sample as it is, ignoring any velocity changes you may have applied.

Instrument Audition Bar

(image to the right of text in original manual)

To audition multiple samples with the Velocity Curve applied, use the Instrument Audition Bar.

Click anywhere in it to hear the sample within the Articulation Region playback at the assigned velocity.

10.6.5 Adjusting Articulation Boundaries

MIDI input velocities are assigned to samples using the Adjust Articulation Boundaries bar. Click and drag the black dividers to manually set the boundaries.

If you have defined uneven Articulation Boundaries and you want to add a new sample without disrupting the present configuration, deselect Auto-Resize located in Options > Auto-Resize.

Tip: When you add multiple samples, or with each subsequent sample you add to your instrument, the Articulation Boundaries are automatically resized uniformly.

In the example below, the first sample will be triggered by velocity input MIDI values ranging from 0 – 17.


10.6.6 Assigning a MIDI Note to an Instrument

There are a variety of ways to assign a MIDI note to a instrument:

  • click a key on the Piano Roll to assign it to the instrument. In the example below, A2 triggers the instrument. click a pad in the Drum Pad to assign it to the instrument.
  • with an external MIDI controller connected to your computer, press the MIDI Learn button and then press a key or drum pad on your controller to assign it to the instrument.

Tip: Note that all the drum instruments in Liquid Rhythm follow the General MIDI Standard. For your reference, the Instrument field displays the percussion instrument type typically associated with the selected note.


10.6.7 Saving an Instrument

  • To save a new instrument, click File > Save Instrument As
  • To save an existing instrument you have edited, click File > Save Instrument