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Liquid Music 1.7.0 Release Build Links

Liquid Music 1.7.0 for Windows 10 / 8 / 7

Liquid Music 1.7.0 for macOS 10.11 – 10.15

Java Requirements for Liquid Music 1.7.0

System Requirements

Computer Hardware

  • 1 GB hard disk space
  • 4 GB RAM (recommended 8 GB)
  • Processor: recommended Intel i5 or better

Operating System

Liquid Music 1.7.0 includes Liquid Rhythm 1.7.0.

Liquid Music 1.7.0 is a VST / AU / AAX / AMXD plugin and requires a host DAW.

Liquid Rhythm 1.7.0 is a standalone application and a VST / AU / AMXD plugin.

Liquid Music requires a host DAW:

  • VST: Any DAW hosting VST, any platform
  • AU: macOS and Logic Pro X only
  • AAX: Pro Tools
  • AMXD plugin (Ableton Max For Live Device):
    • Ableton Live 11 Suite, Live 10 Suite, or Live 9 Suite with Max For Live
      • Ableton Live 10.1 Suite: Max 8.0.6 (or greater) is required; for configuration information see here.
      • Ableton Live 10 Suite: Max 8, which comes bundled into Live 10 Suite, should be sufficient for Liquid Music 1.7.0’s AMXD to run (Max 7 is not required, though may be installed alongside Live 10 without conflict).
      • Ableton Live 9 Suite: Max 7 is required, in the same architecture as your Live 9 installation (64-bit or 32-bit). Download it here from Cycling ’74.
  • A synthesizer plugin (such as those that come with your DAW host) is required to generate sound from Liquid Music’s MIDI output.

Liquid Rhythm can be run as a standalone application, or in a DAW:

  • VST: Any DAW hosting VST, any platform
  • AU: Any DAW hosting AU (macOS only)
  • AMXD plugin (Ableton Max For Live Device):
    • Ableton Live 11 Suite, Live 10 Suite, or Live 9 Suite with Max For Live
      • Ableton Live 10.1 Suite: Max 8.0.6 (or greater) is required; for configuration information see here.
      • Ableton Live 10 Suite: Max 8, which comes bundled into Live 10 Suite, should be sufficient for Liquid Music 1.7.0’s AMXD to run (Max 7 is not required, though may be installed alongside Live 10 without conflict).
      • Ableton Live 9 Suite: Max 7 is required, in the same architecture as your Live 9 installation (64-bit or 32-bit). Download it here from Cycling ’74.

Questions? View our FAQ or contact us at

The MailChimp page we made but never used next had the MIDI Melody and Chord Designer video here, maybe we should embed the 1.7.0 video here instead?

Liquid Music 1.7.0 Release Video

Then there was the subscribe to Newsletter block which we can add when we do MailChimp integration, if we still want it on this page (maybe we want to link to it?)

Everything above the banner was a copy and paste current live website / Shopify stuff, reorganized visually for clarity initially in MailChimp as an interim page including the Mac-only Beta from awhile ago but now repurposed again for the 1.7.0-specific page here. Want to include tech specs and a description of what they’ll be getting and how to launch (both done in first pass above, though may be improved).

Need a link to the blog post for the version release once we import the old Blog

Liquid Music 1.7.0 Release Blog Post (from old website)

Can also have links to the new chapters for Project Clips in the website manual once updated.

Depending on what we may offer for LM 1.5 – 1.6 old builds (less stable), we may instead list their improvements and link the blog posts detailing their release and manual sections if applicable; if no then we include this info here, if we do offer them, each gets their own page